Engineering supervision of wastewater treatment plant

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Engineering supervision of wastewater treatment plant

Construction of wastewater treatment plant in Slavonski Brod, which has capacity of 80,000 PE, was financed through EU IPA program for the Republic of Croatia.

The final capacity of the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), in accordance with the already adopted planning and design documents is 80.000 PE with primary, secondary and tertiary treatment.

Construction of WWTP includes all “auxiliary” facilities, such as the administration-control building and operating facilities, landscaping of the location of the plant, supply and distribution of all utilities, construction of the access road, water supply, repair workshop, storage areas, manipulative and parking areas, inlet and outlet pumping station, development of discharge into the river of Sava and other.


Wastewater Treatment Plant in Slavonski Brod

  • SERVICES RENDERED Engineering Supervision
  • PROJECT SIZE 20.000 m2
  • PROJECT VALUE 11,6 mil.€
  • PROJECT PERIOD 2012 – 2014


  Grge Tuškana 41
  10000 Zagreb
    + 385 1 455 11 44
    + 385 1 455 10 12