Veteran center reconstruction

Veteran center reconstruction

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Croatian veteran centre was intended and designed as residential – rehabilitation centre in which Croatian veterans, soldiers returned from peacekeeping missions, injured deminers, civilian war victims and other individuals in need of this kind of care, will be stationed permanently or temporarily.

Complete community involvement will be provided for users of the Centre, as well as group counseling, workshops and training courses, workshops for occupational activities, psychosocial support, physical rehabilitation, educational and work therapy, physical training and sports and recreation in the indoor and outdoor.

To meet all of planed demands, building should contain accommodation, sport, therapeutic, and restaurant facilities.

This project refers to construction planning for the „Croatian veteran center“, capacitated to accommodate 145 users with some therapeutic activities as well, both indoor and outdoor.

Existing building is retained in its entirety and reorganized and reconstructed to hold accommodation facilities, administration, medical staff, professional staff, leisure time facilities, as well as the therapeutic areas of the Center. As part of reconstruction, the attic of the existing building will be upgraded for the purposes of expanding accommodation, with build in roof terraces which are to open up the attic and help in achieving harmonious composition between existing building and upgrade.

Gym with its following content and staff, main entrance with reception, coffee shop, living room, restaurant and kitchen are in the upgraded wing that is connected to existing building through glazed passes which all together make atrium.

Living room and restaurant are the main social spaces of the house and they create connection between the inner park in newly formed atrium all the way to the surrounding park.


Reconstruction of the Croatian veteran centre in Petrinja


    Preliminary architectural design


    6645 m²




    Ministry of Croatian War Veterans, Nevenka Topalušić Square 1, Zagreb


  Grge Tuškana 41
  10000 Zagreb
    + 385 1 455 11 44
    + 385 1 455 10 12